Powell Family

Brandon and Jenna got married a couple years ago and have been living a happy newlywed life ever since. Like a couple sessions here lately we initially planned to do this session last Fall. Sickness and weather postponed the session until we caught a gorgeous March day. I love how these turned out. They brought their sweet pup,  Thera, along for family photos. Jenna’s sister was super awesome and played with Thera in between poses. Thera did sooo well and looked straight at the camera every time. Thanks Powell Family!!


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    H & B | Engagement

    Oh how I love when couples from past sessions get engaged and tie the knot. I love it even more when I’m able to be a part of their big day. We’ve been trying to shoot this engagement session for over 6 months. It was originally supposed to happen last Fall. Several rainy days have kept us from getting it done. I always tell my clients that get their sessions rained out that 99% of the time it works out for the best. This was no different. This is probably my favorite engagement session thus far. Gorgeous couple. Gorgeous locations. Gorgeous light. I was so excited. The session wouldn’t be complete without Hunter’s little girl, Brantleigh. They are such a cute little fam jam. Brant is a natural in front of the camera. I can’t wait to take more of her soon. So here is my favorites from the session. Can’t wait for the wedding in May!

    Everytime they kissed, she would saw “ewwwww!” hah Love her barely there fingernail polish. Such a little girl!

    We had tons of time to play around. I love the ones of them goofing off. If Hunter had it his way there would be all goofing off and no posed pictures! ha

    For anyone that knows Brantleigh, you know that this is her signature look. Peace signs never get old!

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