Bass Wedding

They’re hitched! Michael “Bass” and Kasey tied the knot a couple weeks ago! I went to high school with Kasey and met Bass at their super fun engagement session. Their wedding screamed with personality from the shoes, to the grooms cake, to the get away car! They got married in a teeny tiny community called Yampertown. Half of you know exactly where that’s at and the other half of you that aren’t from the Winfield area are probably thinking where in God’s creation is that? Haha. It’s a quaint little fork in the road with a Post Office and a gas station. If you blink, you’ll miss it. They were blessed with perfect wedding day weather. Clouds rolled in later in the day but held off so they could dance the night away. Congrats Kasey and Bass!!


Forget heals, Pink Converse sneakers were more her style.

The guys sported Converse sneakers too.

Bass’ dad has a love for old cars and trucks. He was kind enough to lend the truck to them for the day. Sweet ride.

My favorite shot!

Remember the drum picture from their engagement session? How cool is this groom’s cake! It fit Bass like a glove!

Shoes were shed and the dancing continued. Someone got caught being sweet to his little sister!!

These always crack me up. The look of desperation on their faces gets me every time.

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Happy Easter!

I know what all of you must be thinking. Oh goodness, another post with MORE pictures of that Kendall girl. I mean, come on. Can you blame me? She’s pretty dang cute. She was sweet enough to show her kelki (thats what she calls me) one of her many Easter outfits. I love a chunky baby so when she could barely squeeze into this little number I could only smile and snap away. For anyone who knows me, you know that I love this little girl like she is my own. I can’t wait until she old enough to come stay with me! So what better way to show off our Easter spirit than with MORE pictures of Kendall? hah She’s gotten good at hamming it up for the camera. Here’s proof! 🙂 Happy Easter Y’all!


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  • Sandra NorrisLOVE, LOVE, LOVE the pictures Kelsie! Happy Easter and hope to see you today.ReplyCancel


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