I’m back! Well, sort of. I can’t possibly stay cooped up in my bedroom any longer. For those of you who are unaware, I had an extensive oral surgery on Monday. It hasn’t been an easy recovery like I hoped. So I’m slowly getting back in the swing of things regardless of how I feel. I have been dying to get back to my office and finish editing little Pax’s newborn session.
Pax’s daddy is my 2nd cousin. We have grown up playing H.O.R.S.E. at family Thanksgivings and giving each other a hard time when it came to our high school rivalry. To see one of your closest cousins meet the woman of his dreams, marry her, and have a baby is really special. I’m sure many of you from Marion County know about their long quest to adopt Rowen from Haiti. While that is on hold, little Paxton made his way into the world. He is so cute and tiny and super alert. In my opinion he favors his daddy. There is no doubt that he is one loved little dude. I am so blessed to have a great family including the Junkins. I can’t wait to watch him grow! Love you baby Pax!
I’ve gotten used to doing rustic/country newborn sessions and almost forgot that other styles existed. Payt and Heather’s style is more modern and contemporary. I loved changing it up and using pieces from their home to personalize the session!
Payt and his dad made this super cool “P” for Pax’s room! Had to incorporate it!
There’s nothing like daddy’s kisses!